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Board of Finance Minutes 9/11/06
The Board of Finance held a regular meeting on Monday, September 11, 2006 in the auditorium at the Newtown Middle School, Queen Street, Newtown, CT.   Chairman John Kortze called the meeting to order at 7:35 pm.

PRESENT: John Kortze, James Gaston, Michael Portnoy, Harrison Waterbury, John Torok, Joseph Kearney
ALSO PRESENT:  First Selectman Herbert C. Rosenthal, Finance Director Ben Spragg,  Schools Superintendent Dr. Evan Pitkoff, Asst. Schools Superintendent Alice Jackson, Schools Business Manager Ron Bienkowski, Board of Education members Elaine McClure, David Nanavaty, Tom Gissen, Lisa Schwartz, Legislative Council Chairman Timothy Holian, 12 members of public, one member of press

VOTER PARTICIPATION:  Ms. Ruby Johnson, Chestnut Hill Road, feels that the high school is in danger of losing accreditation.  She distributed copies of her version of the history of the school population growth in Newtown.  She feels that we should begin building an expandable high school on land we already own at Fairfield Hills.
        Ms. Po Murray, 38 Charter Ridge Road, stated that after a complete analysis of the high school expansion, we should do all work to avoid delaying the project. In 2010, we will be 259 students above the capacity of the high school and will need more portables to deal with shortages.  Further delays will result in increased costs.  The Board of Finance should look beyond five years in the CIP and assist other boards to plan for long-term needs of the town.  She had a list of questions.  Chairman John Kortze asked her to submit the written questions and he would get answers for her.


Presentation by Dr. Bothwell – Project Enrollment Figures
Board of Education Chairman Elaine McClure introduced Dr. Bruce Bothwell of Bothwell Consulting Associates.  Dr. Bothwell advised that he employs data from the past, not predictions, when giving projected enrollments.  He needs information about the number of births each year and for the past 20 years in the school district.  He also uses number of births to project number of kindergarteners five years later.  He needs current and past enrollments from 6-7 years back to work up ratios for the number of students coming from the first grade (in 2001) and ending up in the second grade (in 2002).  He looks at the pattern over seven years and averages to come up with a “survivor ratio table” that will apply for each grade in the school district.  
        Other factors include building permit numbers and trends; trends in new and existing home sales; overall national economic trends; expert opinions such as realtors and planners; changes in local zoning; changes in private school attendance; changes in tuition student attendance; and the effect of magnet/charter schools.  The projections are reliable 3-5 years.  He produces three projections in a range of low, middle and high.  If he feels things are moving rapidly, he will recommend the high projections.  If there is a drop in housing permits, he may recommend the low projection.  The last few years in Newtown have been leaning to high and middle range.  He distributed a chart showing an accuracy percentage of 98.56% in Newtown projections over the past ten years.  There was a lengthy question and answer period.  
        Chairman Kortze asked if these numbers are still accurate if Newtown’s sees a drop off in new houses being built and in change of ownership of houses.  Dr. Bothwell stated that he has given good numbers but he cannot say with certainty what will happen in the future.  We are looking at an unknown market and don’t know what it means.  He does not believe many people with children currently in grades 3-7 in this town will leave the area.  Most of the students you will see in the high school 3-4 years from now are already in your schools.
Chairman Kortze thanked Dr. Bothwell for coming to the meeting and for an excellent presentation.  He also thanked the Board of Education for making the arrangements.  The Board of Finance members felt this was very helpful to them in understanding enrollment projections.

Presentation by Architects – High School Expansion
Board of Education member Tom Gissen introduced Mr. Joe Costa, Mr. Tim Cohen and Mr. Matt Holtz of Fletcher Thompson, and Mr. Barry Blades of Blades & Govern.  Mr. Costa gave a slide presentation on costs and timetable for the proposed high school expansion project.  He advised that 8 or 9 different options were developed for solving the problems.  Option F is the one being presented at this time.  The architects were asked to look at on-site expansions only.  The expansion is being planned for 2,137 students which is the “high” Bothwell projection.  The state standard is for 174.5 sf per student which totals 372,907 sf.  This plan allows for a maximum of 22.5 students per classroom.  The expansion would be 92,407 sf with a gym expansion or 86,014 sf without expanding the gym.  The current gross square footage of the high school is 279,000 approx.
        The projected budget is $47,269,500 total project or $43,403,500 after 32.86% state reimbursement.  Artificial turf on the stadium field would cost an additional $650,000.  It was noted that every year this project is delayed would add 7% in trade cost.  Mr. Kortze asked the Board of Education members when they wanted to begin the project and was told it needs to be started ASAP and hopefully completed in September 2010.  Mr. Spragg advised that he cannot borrow money next spring for the architect fees as there is nothing in the current fiscal year budget.  
        Mr. Bienkowski advised that they would like to be able to submit the grant application by June 30 without a full funding commitment in order to have the application at the State Department of Education, who can give a temporary project number.  On July 1, 2007, the architect could start design and the state will then be willing to review the project based on a temporary filing.  We would then have authorization to go to bid and when numbers are available, go to a Town Meeting to approve the project.  
        The architects were thanked for coming tonight and for the informative presentation.

ACCEPTANCE OF MINUTES:  Upon motion by Mr. Gaston, the minutes of the 7/27/06 meeting were unanimously accepted as presented.

Having no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:50 p.m.

                                                                Jan Andras, Clerk